• ADDRESS: Carrer de Tuset, 5, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08006 Barcelona, Spain
  • info@primefinln.com
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 7:45 PM

30 years of working experience

We Combine Technology with Business Ideas

The unexpected can happen to any of us, and that is when our team is there for you. For over 20 years we’ve provided the money you need with a monthly payment you can afford. Our customers are the heart and soul of what we do. Many of the customers we help become like family because trust is the biggest part of our relationship. Whether you need money fast, help with your taxes, or guidance to rebuild credit, we are a trusted financial resource in your community. Your financial health is what we care about.

  • First Working Process
  • 24/7 Supportt
Alex Matthew
Loan officer

See How It Works!

Easy steps for business growth


Data driven

Customer analytics inform all of our product decisions. Whether we are prioritizing changes or evaluating what works, we lean on the data to guide us.


Build, test & learn

We believe that the best process is quick and iterative. We build, test, and learn to find out what works, without sacrificing the bottom line.


Best idea wins

We make sure that all voices are heard regardless of experience, department, or job title.

Company Analysis

A Debt Consolidation Loan Could Save You Money

It can be frustrating to drain your bank account each month and still get slammed with growing interest. If you’re consistently making only the minimum payment on your credit card bills, your debt may continue to rise.

Missed payments only make the situation worse, as you can rack up fees. Plus, your credit card interest rate could change at any time.

With a debt consolidation loan through Prime Finance Loan Services, you’ll have a single monthly payment and a fixed low interest rate with no prepayment penalty fees.

Get Loan

We're Trusted by 2500+

Quality & Excellent Services, Satisfaction and Transparent dealing while taking Loan or even Afterwards